Friday, July 4, 2008

Wariner loses final to former training partner Merritt

It was a compelling race between former training partners, LaShawn Merritt and Jeremy Wariner.

Merritt won the 400 meter race in 44 seconds flat beating defending Olympic gold medalist and former training partner Jeremy Warner.

Warner who finished 44.20 and is no longer under the expertise of former coach Clyde Heart, he found himself struggling the last 100 meters of the race.

Now training under a new coach and racing with a new track spike, Wariner is still managed by Olympian Michael Johnson.

Warner who admitted last night after the 400 meter final that he wasn’t excepting anyone to finish close to him in the race.

Merritt who continued to push the race passed Warner in the home stretch.

It’s interesting how athletes switch coaches once they reached a level of perfection.

Certainly, this can help or hinder an athlete.

In the case of Jeremy Warner, indisputably critics will say that this move has hindered his running performance.

But let’s keep in mind that he was beat at the Olympics Trials not at the Olympic Games in Beijing.

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